Objects of the Misanthropocene: A Time Travelling🔗Exhibition from the Illegal Museum of Beyond
🔗Online & UCL Octagon Gallery
This group of fragments depict human's anxieties about uncertainty triggered an apocalypse that technology provokes against religion. The post-anthropocene has committed a fatal error; we believe that the facts of religion can be criticised intellectually. We forget that the reason mankind believes in the "god " is not resulted from external factors, but is simply due to a naive awareness of the tremendous inner effect of autonomous fragmentary systems.
🔗 https://www.illegalmuseumofbeyond.co.uk/octagon/e.2-future-alchemy

Gesso, acrylic, gold, resin
This speculative exhibition inspired by fictional accounts of the Anthropocene aims to generate a sense of responsibility for caring for our planet now.
About the Exhibition
This speculative exhibition inspired by fictional accounts of the Anthropocene aims to generate a sense of responsibility for caring for our planet now.
Objects of the Misanthropocene: Unearthing futures is the latest output of the ‘Objects of the Misanthropocene’ project, which was initiated in 2019 and continues to evolve through a series of co-produced events hosted by the Illegal Museum of Beyond.
The exhibition in the Octagon Gallery is centred on the premise of a future museum that has sent objects back in time. These ‘time-travelling’ objects have been made by wide-ranging project participants across UCL and beyond. Many objects have been produced specifically for this exhibition. These sit alongside objects from UCL Collections and loans from the Museum of Beyond.
Objects of the Misanthropocene: Unearthing futures, curated by Dean Sully and Jo Volley in collaboration with UCL Museums and Cultural Programmes, would like to thank all project participants, contributors, artists, makers and curators of UCL Museums for their creative input.
©Yiwen Li 2024